Half Marathon Beginners' Training Programme - devised by Race Director Eric Hardwick

Week One (Friday 11th to Thursday 17th January):
Top tip; "Having checked with your doctor that you're fit to run, a good, comfortable pair of shoes is essential. Remember when out training you can mix running and walking and it is important that you enjoy training and the race. Do not get out of bed in bad weather and put yourself at risk. You can always do some gym work instead or the odd variation in your training should not be a problem. Eat well, plenty of healthy fruit and veg."
Friday - 25 minutes jog/walk
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 35 minutes jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 40 minutes jog/walk
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 35 minutes jog/walk.

Week Two (Friday 18th to Thursday 24th January):
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or 45 minute walk
Sunday - 50 minute jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 20 minute run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 50 minute jog/walk.

Week Three (Friday 25th to Thursday 31st January):

Top tip; "Having established a pattern of exercising and resting we trust that you are beginning to feel fitter and a lot happier about the challenge ahead on March 14. Bear in mind if you are training in the dark to wear reflective clothing and make sure you are seen by motorists. Do not run Queensway at night and always make sure you can talk when running."
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 70 minute jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 20 minute run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 50 minute jog/walk.

Week Four (Friday 1st to Thursday 7th February):

Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 80 minute jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 30 minute run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 60 minute jog/walk.

Week Five (Friday 8th to Thursday 14th February):
Top tip; "The confidence is probably oozing from you by now and you are getting frustrated on your rest days, wanting to do more and more. Beware of getting over-confident as this can often lead to injuries. Be patient with injuries and do not try to get back to where you were too quickly. Warming up is important, especially in cold weather to avoid strains and pulled muscles."
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 90 minute jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 40 minute run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 60 minute jog/walk.

Week Six (Friday 15th to Thursday 21th February):
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 90 minute jog/walk
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 45 minute run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 60 minute jog/walk.

Week Seven (Friday 22nd to Thursday 28th February):
Top tip; "You may be wondering when you are going to run the 13.1 mile route of the Hastings Half Marathon - well the answer is not until race day. By all means, as part of your own training run part of the course and certainly get familiar with the route but it is not essential to run the distance beforehand. You will have a lot of support on the day to help carry you round. Prepare your food and drink intake for race day now."
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 80 minute run (with walk breaks if necessary)
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 30 minute slightly faster run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 60 minute jog/walk.

Week Eight (Friday 29th to Thursday 6th March):
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 100 minute run (with walk breaks if necessary)
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 40 minute slightly faster run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 60 minute run.

Week Nine (Friday 7th March until Thursday 13th March):
Top Tip; "With just over a week to go now the important thing is to take care of yourself and not push too hard. Do your final training comfortably and sensibly and you will be okay on the day. It is common among runners leading up to the event to get a little paranoiac so don't worry if you avoid people with colds, lifting heavy loads and doing too many odd jobs and DIY - this is quite normal.
"If you have not been in a routine of running on Sunday or other mornings, try to have a trial of getting up in time for a light breakfast and relaxation before a 10.30am start. Make sure your body can adapt and do not drink too much before running. On the day it will be best to have a little to drink at each of the three mile interval drink stations."
Friday - Rest
Saturday 6th - Rest or optional 60 minute walk
Sunday - 100 minute run (with walk breaks if necessary)
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 50 minute slightly faster run
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - 40 minute jog/walk
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Take it easy, the hard work is done. But keep busy, embark on a walk or swim perhaps and consume a good meal the night before.

Our Price: £0.00 Each

Our Sponsors...

Hastings Lions Club

Hastings Lions Club CIO - Registered Charity NO. 1190293 - all monies raised go to help those less fortunate - over £5 Million raised so far... Assisted by Hastings Athletic Club and Hastings Runners